CSI 803 Related Links
You can check out a draft of the term paper on the web:
Term Paper.
For the CSI 803 Term Project I am proposing to work with another student
in class, Gary Page.
A detailed outline of our project can be found
at this web page
The original preliminary abstract of our project follows:
The website called
"Flow Dynamics
of a Wide Arctic Canyon" is the introductory web
page to research conducted
by Dr. Sergio Signorini, which may be used as a basis for the CSI 803
term project. Dr. Signorini developed a model of the ocean current
flow in the vicinity of Barrow Canyon. Dr. Signorini's results are going
to be published in the Journal of Geophysical Research. Some of his
results are depicted in a static plot which he has at the following
URL: http://
www.arsc.edu/~signorin/f12.jpg . Dr. Signorini has completed a
supercomputer model run on the Cray YMP at the Arctic Regional
Supercomputer Center in
Alaska whose
data output he has courteously provided us for this term project effort.
The output will be examined and perhaps converted to a format that can be
displayed by the freeware from Wisconsin known as Vis5D.
Vis5D is a powerful package available on UNIX machines for displaying
scientific data. Using this package we hope to develop an
animation based on the
model output data and demonstrate how best to display such datasets.
CSI 801 Related Links
Here's a link to the CSI 801 homepage .
Here are links to pages related to the term project
which dealt with the discovery of microbial life on
a meteorite with Mars origins and my team's efforts
to simulate the temperature conditions on Mars billions
of years ago and how that would effect the development
of life (particularly the size of the microbes) at that
Here are links to homepages produced by other team members:
Rida Moustafa
:: Gwen Shafer
:: Gary Page
:: Charles Barnes
Additional links related to the team project: