"Interplay between Topology and Fractality of the Hofstadter Butterfly", Indubala I Satija, Dec 2024
"Building the Butterfly Fractal: The Eightfold ways", Indubala I Satija, June 2024
( arXiv Link )
"Building the Butterfly Fractal: The Eightfold ways", Indubala I Satija, Sept 2024
Revised version
"Geometry, Number Theory and the Butterfly Spectrum of Two-Dimensional Bloch Electrons",
Indubala I. Satija, PHYSICAL REVIEW E 104, 044205 (2021)
"Kaleidoscopic Symmetries and Self-Similarity of Integral Apollonian Gaskets",
Indubala I. Satija, 2021: arXiv:2104.13198
"Tuning the topology of p-wave superconductivity in an analytically solvable two-band model",
Haiping Hu, Erhai Zhao and Indubala I. Satija, Phys Rev B, 2020
"What do Bloch Electrons in a Magnetic Field has to do with Apollonian packing of circles",
Indubala I. Satija, J. Phys A, 54, Dec 16, 2020
"Nests and Chains of Hofstadter Butterfly",
Indubala I. Satija and Michael Wilkinson, J. Phys A, 2020
"Chiral to helical Majorana fermion transition in a p-wave superconductor"",
Haiping Hu, Indubala I. Satija and Erhai Zhao, New Journal of Physics, 2019
" Pythagorean triplets, Integral Apollonian and the Hofstadter Butterfly", Indubala I Satija
Feb 14, 2018: ArXiv
" Topology Induced Oscillations in Majorana Fermions in a Quasiperiodic Superconducting Chain ", Indubala I Satija
May 2017: ArXiv
"Cosine Edge Mode in a Periodically Driven Quantum System",
Indubala I. Satija and Erhai Zhao, PRB, 2016
" A Tale of Two Fractals: The Hofstadter Butterfly and The Integral Apollonian Gaskets ", Indubala I Satija
EPJ, 2016
"Topological Map of the Hofstadter Butterfly and Van Hove Singularities",
Gerardo Naumis and Indubala I Satija,
"Hofstadter Butterfly and a Hidden Apollonian Gasket", Indubala I Satija,
"Topology and Self-Similarity of Hofstadter Butterfly", Indubala I Satija,
"Exceptional-point avatar of Majorana fermions in one dimension", Sourin Das and Indubala I Satija,
"Floquet edge states in a harmonically driven integer quantum Hall system",
Zhenyu Zhou ,Indubala I. Satija, Erhai Zhao, PRB, Nov, 2014
"Solitons in a hard-core bosonic system: Gross-Pitaevskii
type and beyond",
Radha Balakrishnan and Indubala I. Satija, Pramana vol 85, pages 1033 -1055 (2015).
" Supermetallic and Trapped States in Periodically Kicked Lattices ",
Indubala I. Satija and Bala Sundaram,arXiv:0783264, cond-mat-quant-gas.
"Anomalous edge states and topological phases of a kicked quantum Hall system",
Mahmoud Lababidi,Indubala I. Satija, Erhai Zhao, PRL Jan 15, 112, 026805, 2014
"Soliton dynamics of an atomic spinor condensate on a Ring Lattice"
Indubala I. Satija, Carlos Pando and Eite Tiesinga, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 87, 033608 (2013)
"Chern and Majorana Modes of Quasiperiodic Systems ",
Indubala I. Satija and Gerardo G. Naumis, PRB, 88, 054204 (2013)
"Geometric Phase of a Classical Anaronov-Bohm Hamiltonian",
Radha Balakrishnan and Indubala I. Satija, Physics Letters A 377 (2013) 1095–1101
, Physics Letter
"Quantum Dynamics of Solitons in Strongly Interacting Systems on Optical Lattices",
Chester P. Rubbo, Indubala I. Satija, William P. Reinhardt, Radha Balakrishnan,Ana Maria Rey,1 and Salvatore R. Manmana
, Phys. Rev. A 85, 053617 (2012) arXiv
"Topological insulators with ultracold atoms",
Indubala I Satija and Erhai Zhao,
Conference proceeding for cdamop2011 ( Current development in atomic, molecular and optical physics,
New Delhi, India , Dec14-Dec16, 2011 ) arXiv:1201.1458v1 [cond-mat-quant-gas] 6 Jan 2012,
published as a book chapter 12 in Springer Verlag series edited by M. Mohan ,
New Trends in Atomic and Molecular Physics,
Springer Series on Atomic, Optical, and Plasma Physics 76,
"Noise Correlation Scalings: Revisiting the Quantum Phase Transitions in Incommensurate Lattices with Hard-Core Bosons",
Kai He, Indubala I Satija, Charles Clark, Ana Maria Rey and Marcos Rigol
, PRA, 85, 013617, 2012.
"Chern Numbers hiding in time of flight Images",
Erhai Zhao, Noah Bray-Ali, C. Williams, Ian Spielman and Indubala I Satija
, Phys Rev A, 84, 2011, 063629
"Bright and Dark Soliton and Breathers in a Strongly Repulsive BEC",
William Reinhardt, Indubala Satija, Bryce Robbins and Charles Clark, submitted for publication, dec3 2010
"Solitons in Bose-Einstein Condensates",
Radha Balakrishnan, and Indubala I Satija , Pramana, 2011
"Realistic Time-Reversal Invariant Topological Insulators With Neutral Atoms",
N. Goldman, I. Satija, P. Nikolic, A. Bermudez, M.A. Martin-Delgado, M. Lewenstein, I. B. Spielman,
Phys Rev Lett, Dec 2010(arXiv:1002.0219),
"Other Incarnations of The Gross-Pitaevskii Dark Soliton",
Indubala I Satija and Radha Balakrishnan, Phys Letter A, 375, 517, 2011
"Exploring Complex Phenomena using ultracold atoms in bichromatic lattices",
Shuming Li, Indubala I Satija, , Charles W Clark, Ana Maria Rey
, PRE, 82, 016217, 2010
"Particle-hole Asymmetry and Brightening of Soliton in a Strongly Repulsive BEC",
Radha Balakrishnan, Indubala Satija and Charles Clark, Phys Rev Lett, 103, 230403, 2009
"Geometric phases in Twisted strips" Indubala I Satija and Radha Balakrishnan,
Physics letter A, 373, 3582 2009
Symmetry Breaking and Symmetry-Restoring Dynamics of a Mixture of Bose-Einstein Condensates in a Double well, Indubala I Satija, Radha Balakrishnan, Philip Naudus, Jeffrey Heward, Mark Edward and Charles W Clark, PRA, 79, 033616, 2009
"Phase Transitions, Entanglement and Quantum Noise Interferometry in Cold Atoms",
Florian Mintert, Ana Maria Rey, Indubala I Satija, and Charles W Clark, EPL,86, 17003, 2009
- "Physics of Two-Dimensional Electron Gas with Cold atoms in Non-Abelian Gauge Potentials", Indubala I Satija, Daniel K Dakin , Jay Vaishnav andCharles W Clark, Physics Rev A, 77, 043410, 2008 (arXiv:0711.2433 ).
- "Entanglement and Mott Transition in a Rotating Bosonic Ring lattice", Ana Maria Rey, Keith Burnett, Indubala I Satija, and Charles W Clark, Phys Rev A, 75, 063616 (2007), (cond-mat/0611332)
- "Optical phase shifts and diabolic topology in Mobius-type strips", Indubala I Satija and Radha Balakrishnan, preprint, 2007, cond-mat/0701393
- "Metal-Insulator Transition Revisited for Cold atoms in Non-Abelian Gauge Potentials", Indubala I Satija, Daniel K Dakin and Charles W Clark, Phys Rev Letter, 97, 216401, 2006 (cond-mat/0607246); Phys Rev Letter, 98, 269904 ( 2007).
- "Hanbury Brown -Twiss Interometry for Fractional and Integer Mott Phases", Ana Maria Rey, Indubala I Satija and Charles W Clark, cond-mat/06004154 New Journal of Physics, Special Issue on Cold Atoms, 8, 2006, 155
- "Quantum Coherence of Hard Core Bosons and Fermions: Extended, Glassy and Mott Phases", Ana Maria Rey, Indubala I Satija and Charles W Clark, Phys Rev A, 73, 063610, 2006. (cond-mat/0601307)
- "Gauge Invariant Twist, Linking Number and Geometric Phase", Radha Balakrishnan and Indubala Satija, Preprint; LANL preprint"math-ph/0507039"
- "Noise Correlations of Hard-Core Bosons:"Quantum Coherence and Symmetry Breaking, Ana Maria Rey, Indubala I Satija and Charles W Clark, J. Phys B, 39, S177, 2006 (cond-mat/0511700)
- "Noise Correlations of Fermions and Hard-Core Bosons in a Quasiperiodic Potential:"Quantum Coherence and Symmetry Breaking, Ana Maria Rey, Indubala I Satija and Charles W Clark, Laser Physics, Volume 17, Number 2, 205 -210, Feb 16, 2007
Anholonomy and Geometrical localization in Dynamical Systems, Radha Balakrishnan and Indubala Satija, Physics Letter A, volume 335, issue1, pp 20-25 ( Jan 31, 2005): CD/0303071
Topological Singularities and Transport in Kicked harper Model Indubala Satija, Physical Review E 71, 056213, 2005
Geometric Phase and Classical-Quantum Correspondence Indubala Satija and Radha Balakrishnan,(nlin.CD/0402034) Proc. of the Kyoto Conference on Quantum Mechanics and Chaos: From Fundamental Problems through Nanosciences} p 782, 2004,
Spectrum of Geometric Phases in a driven Impact Oscillator Indubala I Satija and Radha Balakrishnan, Journal of Physics A, 38 (2005)485-493,
Quantum Response to Classical Transitions, Satija, Phys. Rev. E(R) 66, 015202 (2002)
Non-hermiticity in a kicked model: Decoherence and the semiclassical limit, Satija and Pattanayak, Phys. Rev. E 65, 045205(R) (2002);
- "Localization, Dirac Fermions and Onsager Universality", I Satija, EPJ, 29, 2002, page 345.
$\hbar to 0$ : Classical-Quantum Correspondence in Kicked Harper Satija and Prosen, PRE, 65, 047204, 2002;
- "Dimer decimation and intricately nested localized and ballistic phases in kicked Harper model ", Prosen, Satija and Shah, PRL,87, 066601-1, 2001;
- "Localization characteristics of relativistic vs nonrelativistic fermions", Satija, (preprint)
- "Localization transition in incommensurate non-Hermitian systems", Jazaeri and Satija, PRE, 2001
- "Quantized Orbits and Resonant Transport in Kicked Systems", Satija and Sundaram, PRL, 2000, 84,4581
- "Breakup of a Dimer: New Approach to Localization Transition" Gomez and Satija, Phys Lett A,268,128(2000)
- "Dimer-Type correlations and Band Crossings in Fibonacci lattices", Gomez and Satija ( preprint)
- "Symmetry Breaking and Collision underlying the transition to Strange Nonchaotic attractors" Prasad, Ramaswamy, Satija and Shah, PRL,83,4530, 1999
- "Localization and fluctuations in quantum kicked rotors" Satija, Sundaram and Ketoja, PRB, 1999
- "Correlated Disorder and Propagating modes in Supercritical Frenkel-Konterova Model", Ketoja and Satija, PRB
Hidden Dimer in Frenkel-Konterova Model
- "Transport properties of aperiodic many body fermion systems" Chaves and Satija, PRB ,55, 1997, 14076
- "Phase Diagram of strongly correlated fermions in quasiperiodic potential" Chaves, Satija and Doria (preprint)
- "Critical Phonons of Supercritical Frankel- Konterova Model: Renormalization bifurcation Diagram" Ketoja nad Satija, Physica D
- "Reentrant Phase Diagram of Generalized Harper Equation", Ketoja and Satija, J. Phys, Cond Matter 9 (1997), 1123
- "Harper Equation, Dissipative Standard Map and Strange Nonchaotic Attractors: Relationship between eigenvalue problem and Discrete Maps" Ketoja and Satija, Physica D 109D, 70 (1997).
- "Renormalization Group Approach to Quasiperiodic Quantum Spin Chain" Ketoja and Satija, Physica A,
- "Decimation method for Bloch electrons in a magnetic field: Higher order limits cycles underlying the phase diagram", Ketoja, Satija and Chaves, PRB
- "Fractal Characteristics of the critical and Localized phase in Incommensurate systems", Satija and Ketoja, Pramana
- "Self-Similarity and Localization" Ketoja and Satija, PRL 75, 2762, 1995
- "Interplay between symmetry breaking and quasiperiodicty", Satija and Sundaram, Nuove Cimento
- "Quantum Spin Chains in Aperiodic Magnetic Field", Chaves, Satija and Ketoja, Physica Scripta
- [ with Jukka Ketoja ]
Renormalization Approach to Quasiperiodic Tight Binding
Models, Phys Lett. A 194 (1994) 64.
- Spectral and Magnetic
Interplay in Quantum Spin Chains: Stabalization of
Critical Phase due to Long Range Order , Phys. Rev. B
49,(1994) 3391.
- [ with J. C. Carlos ] XY
to Ising Crossover and the Fate of the Butterfly
Spectrum, Phys. Rev. B, 49, (1994) 13239.
- Symmetry breaking and
Stabalization of Critical Phase , Phys. Rev. B, 48
- [With R. Black],
Recurrences in Dissipative Systems, Nuovo Cimento, 107,
527 (1992).
- [with A. Jazaeri],
Double-Devil Stair Case in Circle Maps, Phys. Rev. A,
46, (1992) 737.
- [With I. Aviram, L.
Bennett and L. Swartzendruber], Complex Dynamics in
Barkhausen Effect, Jounal of Magnetism and Magnetic
Materials, 98, (1992) 92.
- [With R. Black],
Irregular Fractal Spectra in Incommensurate systems,
Phys. Lett. A, 157, (1991)246.
- [with R. Black],
Universal Phase Diagram of generalized Frankel Konterova
Model, Phys. Rev. B, 44, (1991)
4089 .
- Spectral and Magnetic
transitions in Quantum Ising Model, l. Phys. Rev. B
41 , (1990) 7235.
- [with R. Black],
Universal Pattern underlying the Recurrence of KAM tori, Phys.
Rev. Lett. 65, (1990)1.
- [With I. Aviram, L.
Bennett and L. Swartzendruber], Complex dynamics in
domain wall motion, Journal of Applied Physics, 67
(9)(1990) 5350-5351.
- [With Doria and Nori],
Long Range order in One-dimensional Quasiperiodic
magnetic chains, Springer proceedings in Physics,
50,(1990) 215, edited by Falicov, Lira and Lopez.
- [With G. Gyorgyi],
Dimensional reduction and Universal alpha in magnetic
chains, Phys Rev Lett 62,
(1989) 446-449.
- [With M. Doria],
Localization and Long Range Order in mgnetic system, Physical
Review B (Rapid Communication) 39,
(1989) 9757-9758.
- [With M. Doria and F.
Nori], Thru Morse quantum Ising model, Physics Rev. B
39 (1989) 6802-6805.
- [With R. Black],
Recurrence of KAM tori and Fractal Diagram, Physical
Review A ( Rapid communication) 40
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- [with M. Kolar and M. K.
Ali], Attractors in Quantum Ising Models, Physical
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- [with M. Doria]
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System, Phys Rev Lett 60,
(1988) 444--447.
- [with J. Wilbrink] Scaling
in cascades of Transitions, Physical Review B (
Rapid Communication) 37, (1988) 3832 -
- [with M. Doria] Scaling in
Anisotropic XY model, Physical Review B (Rapid
Communication) 38, (1988) 5174 - 5176.
- Random-field Ising model
as a dynamical system, Physical Review B 35,
(1987) 6877--6879.
- [with K. Wiesenfeld] Noise
tolerance of frequency-locked dynamics, Physical
Review B 36, (1987) 2483 - 2492.
- Universal Strange
Attractors Underlying Hamiltonian Stochasticity, Phys
Rev Lett 58,(1987) 623 - 626.
- [with J. Mao and B. Hu]
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- [with A.~ R. Bishop, J.~C.
Eilbeck and G. Wysin] Pattern selection and low
dimensional chaos in dissipative many degrees of freedom
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125 - 134.
- [with D. K. Umberger and
J. D. Farmer] A universal strange attractor underlying
quasiperiodic transition to chaos, Physics Letters
114A, (1986) 341 - 345.
- Ergodic Renormalization
and Universal Strange Attractors. Scaling Phenomena
in Disordered Systems, edited by R. Pinn and A.
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- [with G. Wysin and A.~R.
Bishop] Quantum Monte Carlo study of a spin 1/2 chain, Physical
Review B (Rapid Communication), 31,
(1985) 3205 - 3208.
- [with J. D. Farmer]
Renormalization of the quasiperiodic transition to chaos
for arbitrary winding numbers, {\sl Physical ReviewA
(Rapid Communications) 31, (1985) 3520 -
- [with J.-M. Mao and B. Hu]
Evidence for a new period doubling sequence in four
dimensional symplectic maps, Physical Review A,
(Rapid Communication), 32, (1985) 1927 -1929.
- [with A. R. Bishop and K.
Fesser] Chaos in a Damped and Driven Toda Systems, Physics
Letters 112A, (1985) 183 - 187.
- [with Bambi Hu] A Spectrum
of Universality Classes in Period Doubling and Period
Tripling, Physics Letters 98A, (1984)143
- [with P.C. Hohenberg]
Irrelevant Operators and Momentum-Shell Recursion
Relations in d=2+epsilon Dimensions, Journal of
Statistical Physics 28, (1982) 83--98.
- [with R. Friedberg,]
Instanton Configuration of Unit Topological Charge in
Two-Dimensional Heisenberg Model with x-y like
Anisotropy, Nuclear Physics B 200(FS4),
(1982) 457 - 472.
- Quantum Hamiltonian
formalism and symmetry crossover in one dimension for
weakly anisotropic Heisenberg and planar systems, Physical
Review B 22, (1980) 1362 - 1370.
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