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  • "Interplay between Topology and Fractality of the Hofstadter Butterfly", Indubala I Satija, Dec 2024 (PDF)
  • "Building the Butterfly Fractal: The Eightfold ways", Indubala I Satija, June 2024 ( arXiv Link ) "Building the Butterfly Fractal: The Eightfold ways", Indubala I Satija, Sept 2024 Revised version (PDF)
  • "Geometry, Number Theory and the Butterfly Spectrum of Two-Dimensional Bloch Electrons", Indubala I. Satija, PHYSICAL REVIEW E 104, 044205 (2021) (PDF)
  • "Kaleidoscopic Symmetries and Self-Similarity of Integral Apollonian Gaskets", Indubala I. Satija, 2021: arXiv:2104.13198 (PDF)
  • "Tuning the topology of p-wave superconductivity in an analytically solvable two-band model", Haiping Hu, Erhai Zhao and Indubala I. Satija, Phys Rev B, 2020 (PDF)
  • "What do Bloch Electrons in a Magnetic Field has to do with Apollonian packing of circles", Indubala I. Satija, J. Phys A, 54, Dec 16, 2020 (PDF)
  • "Nests and Chains of Hofstadter Butterfly", Indubala I. Satija and Michael Wilkinson, J. Phys A, 2020 (PDF)
  • "Chiral to helical Majorana fermion transition in a p-wave superconductor"", Haiping Hu, Indubala I. Satija and Erhai Zhao, New Journal of Physics, 2019 (PDF)
  • " Pythagorean triplets, Integral Apollonian and the Hofstadter Butterfly", Indubala I Satija Feb 14, 2018: ArXiv  
  • " Topology Induced Oscillations in Majorana Fermions in a Quasiperiodic Superconducting Chain ", Indubala I Satija May 2017: ArXiv  
  • "Cosine Edge Mode in a Periodically Driven Quantum System", Indubala I. Satija and Erhai Zhao, PRB, 2016 (PDF)
  • " A Tale of Two Fractals: The Hofstadter Butterfly and The Integral Apollonian Gaskets ", Indubala I Satija EPJ, 2016  
  • "Topological Map of the Hofstadter Butterfly and Van Hove Singularities", Gerardo Naumis and Indubala I Satija, (PDF)
  • "Hofstadter Butterfly and a Hidden Apollonian Gasket", Indubala I Satija, (PDF)
  • "Topology and Self-Similarity of Hofstadter Butterfly", Indubala I Satija, (PDF)
  • "Exceptional-point avatar of Majorana fermions in one dimension", Sourin Das and Indubala I Satija, ArXiv (PDF)
  • "Floquet edge states in a harmonically driven integer quantum Hall system", Zhenyu Zhou ,Indubala I. Satija, Erhai Zhao, PRB, Nov, 2014 (PDF)
  • "Solitons in a hard-core bosonic system: Gross-Pitaevskii type and beyond", Radha Balakrishnan and Indubala I. Satija, Pramana vol 85, pages 1033 -1055 (2015). ArXiv (PDF)
  • " Supermetallic and Trapped States in Periodically Kicked Lattices ", Indubala I. Satija and Bala Sundaram,arXiv:0783264, cond-mat-quant-gas. (PDF)
  • "Anomalous edge states and topological phases of a kicked quantum Hall system", Mahmoud Lababidi,Indubala I. Satija, Erhai Zhao, PRL Jan 15, 112, 026805, 2014 (PDF)
  • "Soliton dynamics of an atomic spinor condensate on a Ring Lattice" Indubala I. Satija, Carlos Pando and Eite Tiesinga, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 87, 033608 (2013) (PDF)
  • "Chern and Majorana Modes of Quasiperiodic Systems ", Indubala I. Satija and Gerardo G. Naumis, PRB, 88, 054204 (2013) (PDF)
  • "Geometric Phase of a Classical Anaronov-Bohm Hamiltonian", Radha Balakrishnan and Indubala I. Satija, Physics Letters A 377 (2013) 1095–1101 , Physics Letter (PDF)
  • "Quantum Dynamics of Solitons in Strongly Interacting Systems on Optical Lattices", Chester P. Rubbo, Indubala I. Satija, William P. Reinhardt, Radha Balakrishnan,Ana Maria Rey,1 and Salvatore R. Manmana , Phys. Rev. A 85, 053617 (2012) arXiv (PDF)
  • "Topological insulators with ultracold atoms", Indubala I Satija and Erhai Zhao, Conference proceeding for cdamop2011 ( Current development in atomic, molecular and optical physics, New Delhi, India , Dec14-Dec16, 2011 ) arXiv:1201.1458v1 [cond-mat-quant-gas] 6 Jan 2012, published as a book chapter 12 in Springer Verlag series edited by M. Mohan , New Trends in Atomic and Molecular Physics, Springer Series on Atomic, Optical, and Plasma Physics 76, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-38167-6_12 ,©Springer-VerlagBerlinHeidelberg2013 (PDF)
  • "Noise Correlation Scalings: Revisiting the Quantum Phase Transitions in Incommensurate Lattices with Hard-Core Bosons", Kai He, Indubala I Satija, Charles Clark, Ana Maria Rey and Marcos Rigol , PRA, 85, 013617, 2012. (PDF)
  • "Chern Numbers hiding in time of flight Images", Erhai Zhao, Noah Bray-Ali, C. Williams, Ian Spielman and Indubala I Satija , Phys Rev A, 84, 2011, 063629 (PDF)
  • "Bright and Dark Soliton and Breathers in a Strongly Repulsive BEC", William Reinhardt, Indubala Satija, Bryce Robbins and Charles Clark, submitted for publication, dec3 2010 (arXiv:1102.4042) (PDF)
  • "Solitons in Bose-Einstein Condensates", Radha Balakrishnan, and Indubala I Satija , Pramana, 2011 (PDF)
  • "Realistic Time-Reversal Invariant Topological Insulators With Neutral Atoms", N. Goldman, I. Satija, P. Nikolic, A. Bermudez, M.A. Martin-Delgado, M. Lewenstein, I. B. Spielman, Phys Rev Lett, Dec 2010(arXiv:1002.0219), (PDF)
  • "Other Incarnations of The Gross-Pitaevskii Dark Soliton", Indubala I Satija and Radha Balakrishnan, Phys Letter A, 375, 517, 2011 (PDF)
  • "Exploring Complex Phenomena using ultracold atoms in bichromatic lattices", Shuming Li, Indubala I Satija, , Charles W Clark, Ana Maria Rey , PRE, 82, 016217, 2010 (PDF)
  • "Particle-hole Asymmetry and Brightening of Soliton in a Strongly Repulsive BEC", Radha Balakrishnan, Indubala Satija and Charles Clark, Phys Rev Lett, 103, 230403, 2009 (PDF)
  • "Geometric phases in Twisted strips" Indubala I Satija and Radha Balakrishnan, Physics letter A, 373, 3582 2009 (PDF)
  • Symmetry Breaking and Symmetry-Restoring Dynamics of a Mixture of Bose-Einstein Condensates in a Double well, Indubala I Satija, Radha Balakrishnan, Philip Naudus, Jeffrey Heward, Mark Edward and Charles W Clark, PRA, 79, 033616, 2009
  • "Phase Transitions, Entanglement and Quantum Noise Interferometry in Cold Atoms", Florian Mintert, Ana Maria Rey, Indubala I Satija, and Charles W Clark, EPL,86, 17003, 2009 (PDF)
  • "Physics of Two-Dimensional Electron Gas with Cold atoms in Non-Abelian Gauge Potentials", Indubala I Satija, Daniel K Dakin , Jay Vaishnav andCharles W Clark, Physics Rev A, 77, 043410, 2008 (arXiv:0711.2433 ).  (PDF)
  • "Entanglement and Mott Transition in a Rotating Bosonic Ring lattice", Ana Maria Rey, Keith Burnett, Indubala I Satija, and Charles W Clark, Phys Rev A, 75, 063616 (2007), (cond-mat/0611332)  (PDF)
  • "Optical phase shifts and diabolic topology in Mobius-type strips", Indubala I Satija and Radha Balakrishnan, preprint, 2007, cond-mat/0701393  (PDF)
  • "Metal-Insulator Transition Revisited for Cold atoms in Non-Abelian Gauge Potentials", Indubala I Satija, Daniel K Dakin and Charles W Clark, Phys Rev Letter, 97, 216401, 2006 (cond-mat/0607246); Phys Rev Letter, 98, 269904 ( 2007).  (PDF)
  • "Hanbury Brown -Twiss Interometry for Fractional and Integer Mott Phases", Ana Maria Rey, Indubala I Satija and Charles W Clark, cond-mat/06004154 New Journal of Physics, Special Issue on Cold Atoms, 8, 2006, 155 (PDF)
  • "Quantum Coherence of Hard Core Bosons and Fermions: Extended, Glassy and Mott Phases", Ana Maria Rey, Indubala I Satija and Charles W Clark, Phys Rev A, 73, 063610, 2006. (cond-mat/0601307)  (PDF)
  •  "Gauge Invariant Twist, Linking Number and Geometric Phase", Radha Balakrishnan and Indubala Satija, Preprint; LANL preprint"math-ph/0507039"  (PDF)
  • "Noise Correlations of Hard-Core Bosons:"Quantum Coherence and Symmetry Breaking, Ana Maria Rey, Indubala I Satija and Charles W Clark, J. Phys B, 39, S177, 2006 (cond-mat/0511700)  (PDF)
  • "Noise Correlations of Fermions and Hard-Core Bosons in a Quasiperiodic Potential:"Quantum Coherence and Symmetry Breaking, Ana Maria Rey, Indubala I Satija and Charles W Clark, Laser Physics, Volume 17, Number 2, 205 -210, Feb 16, 2007
  • Anholonomy and Geometrical localization in Dynamical Systems, Radha Balakrishnan and Indubala Satija, Physics Letter A, volume 335, issue1, pp 20-25 ( Jan 31, 2005): CD/0303071  (PDF)
  • Topological Singularities and Transport in Kicked harper Model Indubala Satija, Physical Review E 71, 056213, 2005 (PDF)
  • Geometric Phase and Classical-Quantum Correspondence Indubala Satija and Radha Balakrishnan,(nlin.CD/0402034) Proc. of the Kyoto Conference on Quantum Mechanics and Chaos: From Fundamental Problems through Nanosciences} p 782, 2004,  (PDF)
  • Spectrum of Geometric Phases in a driven Impact Oscillator Indubala I Satija and Radha Balakrishnan, Journal of Physics A, 38 (2005)485-493,  (PDF)
  • Quantum Response to Classical Transitions, Satija, Phys. Rev. E(R) 66, 015202 (2002)  (PDF)
  • Non-hermiticity in a kicked model: Decoherence and the semiclassical limit, Satija and Pattanayak, Phys. Rev. E 65, 045205(R) (2002);  (PDF)
  • "Localization, Dirac Fermions and Onsager Universality", I Satija, EPJ, 29, 2002, page 345.  (PDF)
  • $\hbar to 0$ : Classical-Quantum Correspondence in Kicked Harper Satija and Prosen, PRE, 65, 047204, 2002;  (PDF)
  • "Dimer decimation and intricately nested localized and ballistic phases in kicked Harper model ", Prosen, Satija and Shah, PRL,87, 066601-1, 2001;  (PDF)
  • "Localization characteristics of relativistic vs nonrelativistic fermions", Satija, (preprint)  (PDF)
  • "Localization transition in incommensurate non-Hermitian systems", Jazaeri and Satija, PRE, 2001   (PDF)
  • "Quantized Orbits and Resonant Transport in Kicked Systems", Satija and Sundaram, PRL, 2000, 84,4581   (PDF)
  • "Breakup of a Dimer: New Approach to Localization Transition" Gomez and Satija, Phys Lett A,268,128(2000) 
  • "Dimer-Type correlations and Band Crossings in Fibonacci lattices", Gomez and Satija ( preprint)  (PDF)
  • "Symmetry Breaking and Collision underlying the transition to Strange Nonchaotic attractors" Prasad, Ramaswamy, Satija and Shah, PRL,83,4530, 1999    (PDF)
  • "Localization and fluctuations in quantum kicked rotors" Satija, Sundaram and Ketoja, PRB, 1999   (PDF)
  • "Correlated Disorder and Propagating modes in Supercritical Frenkel-Konterova Model", Ketoja and Satija, PRB   (PDF)
  • Hidden Dimer in Frenkel-Konterova Model   (PDF)
  • "Transport properties of aperiodic many body fermion systems" Chaves and Satija, PRB ,55, 1997, 14076   (PDF)
  • "Phase Diagram of strongly correlated fermions in quasiperiodic potential" Chaves, Satija and Doria (preprint)   (PDF)
  • "Critical Phonons of Supercritical Frankel- Konterova Model: Renormalization bifurcation Diagram" Ketoja nad Satija, Physica D   (PDF)
  • "Reentrant Phase Diagram of Generalized Harper Equation", Ketoja and Satija, J. Phys, Cond Matter 9 (1997), 1123   (PDF)
  • "Harper Equation, Dissipative Standard Map and Strange Nonchaotic Attractors: Relationship between eigenvalue problem and Discrete Maps" Ketoja and Satija, Physica D 109D, 70 (1997).   (PDF)
  • "Renormalization Group Approach to Quasiperiodic Quantum Spin Chain" Ketoja and Satija, Physica A,   (PDF)
  • "Decimation method for Bloch electrons in a magnetic field: Higher order limits cycles underlying the phase diagram", Ketoja, Satija and Chaves, PRB  (PDF)
  • "Fractal Characteristics of the critical and Localized phase in Incommensurate systems", Satija and Ketoja, Pramana   (PDF)
  • "Self-Similarity and Localization" Ketoja and Satija, PRL 75, 2762, 1995   (PDF)
  • "Interplay between symmetry breaking and quasiperiodicty", Satija and Sundaram, Nuove Cimento   (PDF)
  • "Quantum Spin Chains in Aperiodic Magnetic Field", Chaves, Satija and Ketoja, Physica Scripta   (PDF)
  • [ with Jukka Ketoja ] Renormalization Approach to Quasiperiodic Tight Binding Models, Phys Lett. A 194 (1994) 64.
  • Spectral and Magnetic Interplay in Quantum Spin Chains: Stabalization of Critical Phase due to Long Range Order , Phys. Rev. B 49,(1994) 3391.
  • [ with J. C. Carlos ] XY to Ising Crossover and the Fate of the Butterfly Spectrum, Phys. Rev. B, 49, (1994) 13239.
  • Symmetry breaking and Stabalization of Critical Phase , Phys. Rev. B, 48 (1993)3511
  • [With R. Black], Recurrences in Dissipative Systems, Nuovo Cimento, 107, 527 (1992).
  • [with A. Jazaeri], Double-Devil Stair Case in Circle Maps, Phys. Rev. A, 46, (1992) 737.
  • [With I. Aviram, L. Bennett and L. Swartzendruber], Complex Dynamics in Barkhausen Effect, Jounal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 98, (1992) 92.
  • [With R. Black], Irregular Fractal Spectra in Incommensurate systems, Phys. Lett. A, 157, (1991)246.
  • [with R. Black], Universal Phase Diagram of generalized Frankel Konterova Model, Phys. Rev. B, 44, (1991) 4089 .
  • Spectral and Magnetic transitions in Quantum Ising Model, l. Phys. Rev. B 41 , (1990) 7235.
  • [with R. Black], Universal Pattern underlying the Recurrence of KAM tori, Phys. Rev. Lett. 65, (1990)1.
  • [With I. Aviram, L. Bennett and L. Swartzendruber], Complex dynamics in domain wall motion, Journal of Applied Physics, 67 (9)(1990) 5350-5351.
  • [With Doria and Nori], Long Range order in One-dimensional Quasiperiodic magnetic chains, Springer proceedings in Physics, 50,(1990) 215, edited by Falicov, Lira and Lopez.
  • [With G. Gyorgyi], Dimensional reduction and Universal alpha in magnetic chains, Phys Rev Lett 62, (1989) 446-449.
  • [With M. Doria], Localization and Long Range Order in mgnetic system, Physical Review B (Rapid Communication) 39, (1989) 9757-9758.
  • [With M. Doria and F. Nori], Thru Morse quantum Ising model, Physics Rev. B 39 (1989) 6802-6805.
  • [With R. Black], Recurrence of KAM tori and Fractal Diagram, Physical Review A ( Rapid communication) 40 (1989) 2864-2867.
  • [with M. Kolar and M. K. Ali], Attractors in Quantum Ising Models, Physical Review B 40 (1989) 11083.
  • [with M. Doria] Quasiperiodicity and Long-range order in a Magnetic System, Phys Rev Lett 60, (1988) 444--447.
  • [with J. Wilbrink] Scaling in cascades of Transitions, Physical Review B ( Rapid Communication) 37, (1988) 3832 - 3834.
  • [with M. Doria] Scaling in Anisotropic XY model, Physical Review B (Rapid Communication) 38, (1988) 5174 - 5176.
  • Random-field Ising model as a dynamical system, Physical Review B 35, (1987) 6877--6879.
  • [with K. Wiesenfeld] Noise tolerance of frequency-locked dynamics, Physical Review B 36, (1987) 2483 - 2492.
  • Universal Strange Attractors Underlying Hamiltonian Stochasticity, Phys Rev Lett 58,(1987) 623 - 626.
  • [with J. Mao and B. Hu] Period doubling in four-dimensional symplectic maps, Physical Review A 34, (1986) 4325 - 4332.
  • [with A.~ R. Bishop, J.~C. Eilbeck and G. Wysin] Pattern selection and low dimensional chaos in dissipative many degrees of freedom systems, Lectures in Applied Math. 23,(1986) 125 - 134.
  • [with D. K. Umberger and J. D. Farmer] A universal strange attractor underlying quasiperiodic transition to chaos, Physics Letters 114A, (1986) 341 - 345.
  • Ergodic Renormalization and Universal Strange Attractors. Scaling Phenomena in Disordered Systems, edited by R. Pinn and A. Skjeltorp, Plenum Publishing Corporation, New York, (1985) 549 - 554.
  • [with G. Wysin and A.~R. Bishop] Quantum Monte Carlo study of a spin 1/2 chain, Physical Review B (Rapid Communication), 31, (1985) 3205 - 3208.
  • [with J. D. Farmer] Renormalization of the quasiperiodic transition to chaos for arbitrary winding numbers, {\sl Physical ReviewA (Rapid Communications) 31, (1985) 3520 - 3522.
  • [with J.-M. Mao and B. Hu] Evidence for a new period doubling sequence in four dimensional symplectic maps, Physical Review A, (Rapid Communication), 32, (1985) 1927 -1929.
  • [with A. R. Bishop and K. Fesser] Chaos in a Damped and Driven Toda Systems, Physics Letters 112A, (1985) 183 - 187.
  • [with Bambi Hu] A Spectrum of Universality Classes in Period Doubling and Period Tripling, Physics Letters 98A, (1984)143 -150.
  • [with P.C. Hohenberg] Irrelevant Operators and Momentum-Shell Recursion Relations in d=2+epsilon Dimensions, Journal of Statistical Physics 28, (1982) 83--98.
  • [with R. Friedberg,] Instanton Configuration of Unit Topological Charge in Two-Dimensional Heisenberg Model with x-y like Anisotropy, Nuclear Physics B 200(FS4), (1982) 457 - 472.
  • Quantum Hamiltonian formalism and symmetry crossover in one dimension for weakly anisotropic Heisenberg and planar systems, Physical Review B 22, (1980) 1362 - 1370.

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